Friday, July 07, 2006

Backend Of Forever

When the story of a mother whom bring all her children to commit suicide together all over the newspaper, we, no I wonder how does someone have a courage to take their own live.

A day after the story came out, politician do what they do best. Give an opinion or most of the time useless and baseless opinion. Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk G. Palanivel suggested that suicide scenes in Indian movies should be banned as they were a bad influence on viewers. Is that it? Or is it just a first step?

Then on todays local news, a counsellor from Era Consumer Malaysia said that by censoring movies alone was not enough because it is not a root cause of suicides.

"From our experience, movies alone cannot cause suicides. It is probably only a minor contributing factor as a suicidal person would have attempted suicide a few times before. From the earlier attempts, they get the courage to finally carry it out," Nanthini said.

Other causes of suicide, Nanthini said, include a loss of confidence, a loss of trust and their spouses’ extra-marital affairs. Physical and mental abuse and financial reasons have also driven women to commit suicide.

"As such, we need more Indian counsellors as well as awareness programmes and advice columns for women in Tamil dailies," she said.

Based on the statistic here ib Malaysia apparently cases of committing suicides was lead by Indians. And the ratio is more than 2:1 from other races. I'm not being racists or anything here. It's just my opinion here. Why more Indians committed suicides as their final resorts than other races?

I have a colleague when I was working in UM. An Indian guy. Very nice guy with a bright future I might say. He was the only breadwinner in his family. He took care of his family. He have a good job, well-paid job and just got married at that time. The falldown started after he was involved in an accident. One after another. I remember it was twice in 2 weeks period. The first one he suffered only a minor scratches. The second accident he need a surgery because the doctor found that his ligament has snapped. The third accident occured just a day before he was scheduled to undergo an operation for his ligament.

The third accident changes everything. He was badly hit by a car. The last time I went to the hospital visiting him he was still paralysed. All of his body was paralysed. His father come to my office several times after the accident with a doctor letter to settle some claims and all. Everytime he came, he cried. I just can be there and listen to his story. Because the son is the only breadwinner of the house, now they don't have any income. He also talk about committing suicides.

What I think at that time was why it have to come to that? Committing suicides? Maybe they feel that by doing that all the pain will gone. They doesn't have to think how to survive anymore. A bit shallow if you ask me. Maybe they believe in second chance in their next life. If they believe in that, what about this life? Just give up and try the next one.

Is it me or I just talking crap here? Wonder...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

islam agama universal...

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does it have something to do with nirvana?

2:25 PM  

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