Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Angels and Demons? Mostly Demons...

I have a problem. I know the problem but it seems I can't get rid of it. It was my nature I think. My grandma said that. huh... u all might say. But my grandma have this great intuition. Nothing like phsycic but it's more like a hunch. And it was always right (mostly when it concerned me :D). Lenkali aku citer about hunches that she's had.

Why people are so nosy? Nak menyebok diam2 dah aaa... Don't go around and telling me how you feel about it when that thing wasn't meant for you to know in the first place. It make me so wanna punch you in the face. Lagi pulak it effect me or people around me directly. F**k you, you whore. Malas plak aku nak citer.

And then, there's this people who can lie direct to your face with a straight face. Dia buat selamba jer. Ughh bengangnyer aku. The thing is, the lie isn't even worth shit. Takyah tipu pon takper weh. Takde sapa nak marah ko. But NOOOOO.... maybe by tell lies that people doesn't care make their day kot. Baguih dok ada nih....

World Cup? Aku kalo tgk pon 2 game awal jer.. Yg kul 3 mmg tak lepas aaa... More and more teams yg main open game. Best camtuh, jgn dok main defensive tak tentu hala. Malam nih first game Brasil. Must see nih.

Okay guys, ciao for now.


Blogger mazezam said...

heheh berd.. siot jer ko...
weh tipps.. waa semenjak berbadan dua nih, nak makan jer kejenye ek... ;P

2:15 PM  

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