Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ashes of the Wake

The university still on holiday but the heat was already started. In University Malaya on 5th of July deputy Information Minister Zahid Hamidi used his speech and tried to explain about Abdullah-Mahathir dispute. Then a Chinese-Malaysian student freshie pose him a question.

"Adakah wajar Datuk bercakap memperkecilkan seorang pemimpin yang telah menyumbangkan jasa bakti selama 22 tahun untuk negara ini?"

The question shock the deputy Information Minister and conclude his speech by addressing the students to support the current government. This piece of news I got from blogger AMLG.

As an ex-UM student I'm proud that a new students are aware of current political situation in our country. Mind you guys that this is a freshies we are talking about because it's still orientation week and the senior student cannot get into the universities compound.

On that day passers by and UM administration was surprised by two banners that show support towards Tun Dr. Mahathir. There's also rumours that UM new VC, Dr. Rafiah Salim have to asked the guard (without uniform) to take the banner down.

From the events that occured it shows that people including young and bright students in our beloved country Malaysia aware of the needs of Tun's critics. We need our government to be more open in managing our country. Stop keeping the 'rakyat' in the dark. IMHO with the Tun being outspoken towards the government now, it surely takes the voice to the highest level of administration. Not like when someone with no names speak up.

What do you think?


Blogger The Narrator said...

dude, gambar gantung banner tu mcm fishy skit lah. aku tak dpt agak area mana UM yang ada jejantas mcm tuh?

but that kid in DTC...he got balls man. aku yg dh masuk line Gomen ni can only dream of saying such things..huh

5:37 PM  
Blogger mazezam said...

actually stone aku pon tak sure whether student yg gantung this banner but it surely make people talking la...
actually satu tuh aku rasa kat depan masjid ar rahman kot... coz background dia macam flyover punya tiang jer... yg atas jejantas tuh aku tgh figure out kat mana... any idea?

yg pasal student gi sound Zahid tuh aku mmg respek abis la... tul tuh, dianyer question tuh tak menunjukkan aper2... it just show that jgnla nak brainwash otak student2 baru... kot yer pon.. let them learn and think by themself...

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crticsm is good..but it takes a lot of will also make u reflect back, think n wonder...

9:55 AM  

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