Kawin dah korang?
Within this 2 weeks, 2 of my buddies will get married. Heck, one of 'em already selamat. Congratulations to Elyas and Nani. Korang nampak ijau la semalam. kehkehkeh...
I've known Elyas since my high school time. Dari sekolah lagi he's known as "Faizal Hussein' because of his looks (although dia cam malu2 nak mengaku la kan, tapi aku tahu elyas ko suka org panggil ko faizal hussein). Pastu kitorang masuk Banting, UM sesama. And we used to play basketball sesama. He also happens to be what i called 'gi-wedding-bebudak-sekolah-buddies'. So now he's married, kena la aku carik org lain nak gi wedding with nih. Isk isk isk. Hopefully ko dah kawin nih jgn la nak dok umah jer ngan bini weh... Cam most of our frens yg dah kawen. Aku tahu Nani sporting so takde alasan... hehehehe
End of this week will be Syidee's turn. To celebrate his end of bachelorship, he decide to throw a lepak2, makan2, karaoke2 session. Maybe the last session before bergelar sang suami, which I miss btw. Dangg... Dah sebulan aku tak balik kampung ko tanak buat, time aku balik nih la ko nak open table pon. Cis cis cis.....
To elyas and nani, again congratulations. To syidee and tasha, good luck guys. rrrr... Hehehe...
I've known Elyas since my high school time. Dari sekolah lagi he's known as "Faizal Hussein' because of his looks (although dia cam malu2 nak mengaku la kan, tapi aku tahu elyas ko suka org panggil ko faizal hussein). Pastu kitorang masuk Banting, UM sesama. And we used to play basketball sesama. He also happens to be what i called 'gi-wedding-bebudak-sekolah-buddies'. So now he's married, kena la aku carik org lain nak gi wedding with nih. Isk isk isk. Hopefully ko dah kawin nih jgn la nak dok umah jer ngan bini weh... Cam most of our frens yg dah kawen. Aku tahu Nani sporting so takde alasan... hehehehe
End of this week will be Syidee's turn. To celebrate his end of bachelorship, he decide to throw a lepak2, makan2, karaoke2 session. Maybe the last session before bergelar sang suami, which I miss btw. Dangg... Dah sebulan aku tak balik kampung ko tanak buat, time aku balik nih la ko nak open table pon. Cis cis cis.....
To elyas and nani, again congratulations. To syidee and tasha, good luck guys. rrrr... Hehehe...
thanks alpo for the wish..cam sedey lak aku pasni tak bachelor lagik..tsk.tsk..:)..hmm..tu la..agak kureng ko takde (hahaha padan muka kau, sape suh balik..)..1 kali lagi..ada berani?..just u n me..wicked!!..haha
popo dah ade calon ke blum? wink wink ...:D
chetna @ sitiaz : calon-calonnya ialah ..... heheh ;)
syidee: aku on jer beb... lagu ai-ris dah ada blom? stylo tuh... kali nih aku kasik can ko bawak tiada lagi dulu...
To syidee n tasha >> sorry aku x dapat datang ehehe
To popo >> nanti kalau ada parcel tuk aku bagitau tau. I still owe you dinner :p
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