Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Gasing Mythbuster

unsolved mysteries in gasing.

the mystery:
too many la kalo nak list all of 'em. but what i remember dearly citer2 yg sgt bizzare. such as there's one time, our toilet lamp out of order. because of the toilet location, it will be total gelap without that lampu. we just ignore the darkness and just do our thing in that toilet. tak kesah la gelap2 pon. after nearly a month without a light. one fine evening tuh, kuril see something strange in the kolah. wtf kan... check2 rupanya2 there's a dead cat. mati lemas... arghhhh..... sgt geli, kotor dan lain2... from where the cat dtg pon still remain mysteries to us.

antara cause yg kitorang rasa la:
1. kuril join balik geng2 death metal dia. and the kucing is part of his ritual. hahahha
2. shapeng do his thing.
3. the kucing nak tangkap tikus kat atas bumbung rumah, pastu jatuh dlm kolah yg sangat kurang air dia. setelah berenang selama beberapa jam, tak larat pastu lemas aaa... (but we still dont know where the cat coming from)

the mystery:
this is the story of second time gasing dimasuki pencuri. the thief enter the house in broad daylight. it happen between 1-2 pm. the story goes like this. mandom keluar gi zainol. so this happen between time dia kuar, tapau zainol(which we know takde la lama sgt) and balik. when mandom balik he saw one yellow 125Z facing towards the road. then after he park his bike, this one guy dgn selambanya berjalan keluar dari rumah, selang dua tiga langkah mandom panggil la dia and he just run towards his bike and blah.(mandom shud baling jer kari zainol kat mamat tuh, pastuh suruh jonny follow bau dia, mesti seminggu tak hilang punyer)

in the house masa tu ada dell yg sedang tido. after an overview checking, the house seems perfectly normal with no stuff seems out of place or missing.but after dell woke up and prepare nak gi zainol jugak, baru dia realised yg his pants was missing along with his wallet. hehehee... the mystery kan, dlm byk2 bilik, kenapa la that thief dgn selambanya masuk bilik yg ada org(even he's asleep). pastu amik seluar dell(maybe because of that wallet). walhal byk lagi rete benda lain. if he just look into one locker pon he'll surely found digicam la, coins la, wristwatch dan lain-lain.(not that i hope he steal more than what he got)

1. takde solution sampai skang. this thing remains mystery. ;)

i think there's a lot more unsolved mysteries kat gasing tuh. later kalo i can remember lagi the details i'll update.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

kesian kucing tu :(

-cat lover-

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weh popo..kau lagik mystery doh..hahahaha..

p/s:aku dgr ade org siap mandi dulu baru discover kucing tu..hahaha..

2:49 PM  
Blogger mazezam said...

a.n: kesian jugak la.. but aku tak tgk pon, ngeri aa... suruh budak angkat n buang terus... isk

syidee: aku lagik mystery??? what do you mean by that dude?
bab p/s tuh, ada myth mengatakan camtuh jugak la.. but saper la nak ngaku ye tak hehehe.... mandi air bangkai.. eeuuuuwww

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aku rasa ko lagi sesuai tulis macam ni dari tulis dalam english tonggang terbalik tu... hehehe.. lagi seronot baca

6:23 PM  
Blogger mazezam said...

heheeh... noted chi... :)

3:41 AM  

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