Saturday, April 01, 2006

Speedy Gonzales

Kena tagged ngan Chi...

How many schools did I go to?
1. SRK Sungai Marong
2. SMK Ketari
4. Kolej Mara Banting
5. Universiti Malaya

p/s driving school pon kira sekolah gak kan? kalo campur tuh kira 6 la...

Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
Last minute. Hero tuh tak la... tapi mmg confirm last minute

Was I the class ‘taiko’ or the teacher’s pet?
None. Low profile giler. Selagi boleh. eheh...

What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
hmm... camner nak define biggest? yg leh wat ko kena expelled ker? kalo cam typical budak dok asrama nyer kesalahan tak ok ker? hehehe

Three subjects I enjoyed

1. Mathematics (used to la.. skang ntah)
2. Script Writing (it's an elective subject during my uni days, sebab apa aku suka ek... entah la)
3. aper lagi ek? hmm...

Three teachers that inspired me

Tribute to all my teacher la. Sumer2 pon ok. Tapi sebab meme nih mintak 3 jer, here it goes....

1. Cikgu Amir - my high school teacher. Ajar BM, but I think what really interest him is economy. Susah nak jumpa cikgu2 sekolah yang actively doing business in shares. Jual beli saham. Cool.
2. Dr. Phang Keat Kong - dia nih best giler mengajar. funny and know how to make us understand. ajar aku networking. he was teaching me during my final year at uni. lepas amik kelas dia la baru aku paham apa jadahnya menatang networking tuh, apsal la final sem baru jumpa dia nih... kalo tak isk dah terer kot networking aku...
3. Dr. Zaharan Razak - what can i say, he's the coolest lecturer that i've met. i remember that he once said dont judge people by the appearence. he didn't even let us call him Doctor. dlm report sumer just tulis En. Zaharan Razak jer...

ermm... abis dah ek.


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